Monday, July 15, 2019

New Bus Route Discovered! Route 19S Takes You Beyond Our Solar System! by Rushil

On July 20, 2019, a new bus route with the name 19S is going to be put in place, with the first stop being in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and the last stop being at the edge of the universe, and the total travel time for the bus will be total to 1 hour. The roads are being built and the last portion will be done just before the first bus will be start its route. A sightseeing tour will also be conducted, and a special bus will be traveling for that event. Route 19S, which runs on Universal Road, will give you a good look at our solar system, and all the other planets, stars, asteroids, comets, solar systems, and galaxies that the road will pass. The road is also equipped with a special transparent material that acts as a shield for whenever the road gets close to a black hole. The road was built as a birthday gift for Donald Trump, which was still pending from last year. When informed that the route was almost done, he was happiest he has been in his life. The first route starts at 9 am on July 20th. Be the first in line to get a trip to the edge of the universe!

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