Friday, July 19, 2019

Thomas Marine by Alex and Kevin

“Was there any unusual event that happened that might have made you acquire the ability to grow so big?” asked Thomas and Steven.  up and swallowed it anyway.” Steven and Thomas looked at each other and nodded. 
“The solid thing was a fragment of the Elemental Asteroid,” Thomas explained, “An asteroid in outer space that possesses the power to give anyone an elemental superpower.  Occasionally a piece of it will fall to Earth and create a superhero. I suspect Alex has had his own experience with a shard of the Elemental Asteroid. Hobo Joe, why don’t you leave for a second?  I need to discuss something with Steven.”  
“Well, once I ate a Happy Meal that felt like it had something solid inside it.  But I chewed it 
“Okay.  Pleasure talking with you, Thomas.  See you around.” replied Hobo Joe, “If you need me, I’ll be at the McDonald’s.” 
"HOW THE HECK DID HE GET POWERS LIKE THAT?!” Steven screamed as Hobo Joe shut the door.  It sounded like because he got the fragment inside the Happy Meal, his powers were activated by McDonald’s Happy Meals.  More specifically, when someone ruined his Happy Meal. Suddenly, Hobo Joe saw smoke rising from the Superhero Training Academy.  He quickly got his Happy Meal, rushed over, and saw that an army of the crocodile-bats, led by the king crocodile-bat, were invading the Academy.  Steven Bolt and Thomas Marine were outside, repeatedly blasting the monsters with water and lightning, but for each one they took down, there was still one thousand left to fight.  Another superhero came out and started blasting the monsters with flames, but they were still heavily outnumbered. Suddenly, Thomas flew over to Hobo Joe, snatched his McDonald’s Happy Meal, and threw it at the king crocodile bat.  The king gobbled it up in two seconds, and Hobo Joe grew to ten times his normal size.  
“YOU VILE CREATURES!!!  YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR UNFORGIVABLE CRIMES!!!” screamed Hobo Joe, as he pounded thousands of crocodile-bats into one giant mountain of dust.  Finally, there were no crocodile-bats left except for the king. The flame superhero vaporized the king with one extremely strong concentrated white-hot beam, and Hobo Joe shrank back to normal size.  Then Thomas Marine bought him a Happy Meal from the McDonald’s near the Academy for being a good boy, and Alex Stone created an enormous statue of him in his honor.
The fire superhero came over to Hobo Joe and said, “I’m Samuel Inferno, and I have a Ph.D in fire.  Nice job out there today.” 
“Thanks, I’m Hobo Joe. You did a great job out there today too, vaporizing the crocodile-bat monster king.” replied Hobo Joe. 
“Hey guys, I have to go now.  I have to find the Monster Realm and weaken the crocodile-bats.  See you later. Your temporary new headmaster will be...” said Thomas Marine, as he melted into a puddle and evaporated. 

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